Sunday, July 15
Thursday, July 12
jim morrison
love calvin!!
kudos to Bill Waterson for creating Clavin and Hobbes....who would not relate to these two...
To read some of the best Calvin and Hobbes Strips click here.
Monday, July 9
The Lies You Are Told Are True
Wednesday, June 27
fettered freedom
Tuesday, June 26
Monday, June 18
The senses need to be numbed.
Wednesday, June 13
The rhythm of an uncouth me
Within a me.
It would be simpler if ink could gallop
Not without reigns.
Yet it escapes.
The black sense of the floating black letters
Resist the fetters resist a rhyme
Reading the beyond, yearning to meet.
Clandestine – that’s what it is.
The river is constant
About all but one.
Diffident of constancy
Seeking as it flows.
Or a silhouette escaping the shadow?
Language untraceable,
Fire of a fluid frame,
Waiting for the raindrop,
To capture an eternity.
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
Speaketh she no more
Just the silent lust.
Fantasies fables folklore,
All they rust.
The voice of the nothing
Aching to speak,
Namelessness of the pain --
Invisible abyss.
I – no voice but just the I.
Thursday, May 31
she spoke but then...
silence reigns
stoned memories
disappearing in liquid flames
Thursday, May 24
silence was sleeping when...

words ran
basked in the sun
stole fruits
teased butterflies
nectar off the flowers
dew off the grass
they swam
in the clear
blue air
the ripples they made
drew people
used brushes
they shaped
she spoke
words played
hide and seek
myriad colours
angry red
shy black
innocent yellow
purple that rebel
and blue
my favourite
her favourite
she spoke
words galloped
they swam
they played
slowing down
catching their breath
calming down
they sleep
awakening tired silence
but she did speak
Saturday, May 19
I have trouble writing.
It's ok when I have a question paper in front of me and know exactly what words are expected to fill the pages. It's ok when I have been assigned a topic to write on. On occasions like these I have a hard time staying within the assigned word limit.
How do I write about myself or my self.....
It's tough.
It's taxing.
It's gruelling.
It's almost masochistic.
I will be judged. The words that I have strung together will be evaluated. I perspire. Will I pass the test. Will people like what I have written. More importantly, will I be proud of what I have written a few months from now...
Writing for me is masochistic....
and this blog is a proof of my exhibitionist tendencies....
Monday, April 23
I've been told that I'm expected to write only good literary stuff....ahem! that's a tall order. For all those who are uninitiated into the world of literary horrors, literature is no lay person's cup of tea.
You have to develop the perseverence to sit through hours of staring at a black wall... for that is what the black print of your monster text begins to seem after a few hours. You need training, mind you, this is tougher than treading the treadmill or those excruciating crunches....for without training you would have lost the weight of your senses in less than two hours. Literary theory (for that is what intellectually stimulating literary stuff is made of), also requires you to acquire decoding skills, for here, as some understand, the sheer complexity of the structural pattern and its correct syntactical representation with right amount of verbosity thrown in, makes good literary work.
Yes.It's certainly not my cup of tea.
For those who vote against all that stands for high literary acumen, cast your votes.
One vote casted!Win by majority.Only high gibberical talent of the highly lay order allowed....